Relay For Life

What is Relay For Life?

One person can make a difference. In May 1985, Dr. Gordon “Gordy” Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, raising money to help the American Cancer Society with the nation’s biggest health concern: cancer.

Gordy spent a grueling 24 hours circling the track at the University of Puget Sound. Friends, family, and patients watched and supported him as he walked and ran more than 83.6 miles and raised $27,000 through pledges to help save lives from cancer. As he circled the track, he thought of how he could get others to take part. He envisioned having teams participate in a 24-hour fundraising event. The next year, 19 teams were part of the first Relay For Life event at the historical Stadium Bowl and raised $33,000.

After previously battling stomach cancer, Gordy passed away from heart failure on August 3, 2014 at the age of 71. But his legacy lives on. He shaped an idea that started as one man walking and running a track and helped turn it into a global fundraising phenomenon.

Why We Relay

COVID-19 has put cancer patients at risk – attacking already weakened immune systems, delaying cancer treatments, and closing many clinical trials. Because of the impact cancer has had on our lives, we are doing something about it. We joined Relay For Life to remember people we’ve lost and offer up support to anyone in our community who is affected by cancer. And that’s why we need your support!

The funds we’re raising will help sustain critical research and patient services in this difficult time. Believe us, every dollar really does count, so we’re asking for your help. Please donate today, because together we can accomplish anything!

How Fundraising Impacts Your Community

Cancer hits far too close to home, so the funds you raise will help do the same. Through services and resources like free rides to chemo, free places to stay near hospitals, and a live 24/7 helpline, cancer patients and their families will feel the love. Here’s how recent money raised has been put to incredible uses.

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