Life Guard Imaging Patient, Skip M., Tells His Story

“I have been getting Annual Physicals and 3 month follow-ups for over 35 years. My blood pressure has always been great (120/75 plus or minus a few points.) I’ve never had chest pains or even eaten a Rolaids.

I’ve had many surgeries and anesthesia over the years. My heart was never mentioned as an issue.

Life Guard’s Heart Scan took less than 10 minutes. After seeing my results, Frankie suggested that I see a Cardiologist, and I did.  Within a week, I had a successful heart surgery and I’m on the mend.

If it wasn’t for Life Guard’s Heart Scan, I may not be here.

The state of the art, high-resolution, low radiation scan was awesome! My family and I are eternally grateful for Life Guard Imaging, Frankie & Amy Maldonado, and their entire team.

Early detection saved my life!”

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