Marvelous Marvin From Hits 106 Visits Life Guard Imaging
This is Marvelous Marvin with a message that could save your life or the life or a loved one.
You’ll want to keep this information handy, and send a link to your loved ones.
Recently I had a full body scan performed by Life Guard Imaging, utilizing 3 D technology that can detect calcium build up in the heart and arteries, and other medical conditions, that ordinary tests probably won’t find, including cancer!
As insurance plans try to control costs, your physician probably can’t order tests that help “early identify” medical problems. Life Guard’s scan takes only 7 minutes, is non- invasive, with results within a couple of days, that you take to YOUR doctor who’ll determine if any immediate action is required. My heart scan came back pretty good, but it indicated some issues that I can continue to address through diet and exercise, before it becomes a serious problem.
Life Guard Imaging is less than a mile off of the Veterans Expressway at the State Road 60 exit. To schedule your FREE heart scan, call 813-524-1010 or go to lifeguardimaging.com on-line.
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